Open MRI

Open MRI procedure

MRI reporting is performed through Image Consultants and Radiologists.
CDC Open MRI provides comfortable modalities for claustrophobic patients and children’s

The open MRI employs magnets on the top and bottom and is open on all four sides in place of a sealed capsule. These significantly lower the danger of claustrophobia and panic episodes and make it possible for people of various sizes and shapes to utilize an MRI to correctly assess their conditions.

These devices are just what they appear to be. Although they are transparent, they nonetheless employ magnets to take pictures of the interior of your body. These employ a magnetic bottom and top, and all four sides are open, significantly lowering the danger of panic attacks and claustrophobia and enabling you to use an MRI to assess your problem effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

We have open MRI, a competitive progress rate, professional staff, qualified reporting doctors and a very short time for the procedure. CDC Open MRI is for the Claustrophobic patients

CDC has the best MRI Facilities and has been performing procedures for 18 years at our maximum locations and branches (ICT, Punjab, KPK & AJK). Till now, CDC has done more than 50000+ MRI procedures through our standard equipment by our professional technologists & radiologists.

As MRI is a critical procedure, it takes a certain time and expertise. So, we at CDC are doing MRI as a scheduled appointment. That’s why you need an appointment to schedule your MRI procedure at the nearest CDC facility.

Beneficial for machine phobia patients

Patients afraid of MRIs indicate that they perceive an open MRI or an upright MRI scan to be far less intimidating and more dignified because they do not require restraint. Even the head coils used for brain scans are built with an open design that allows a clear view of the system’s outside.

Emergency MRI Available.

The Patient lies on the CDC open MRI table, which is open from all sides and the method itself is easy is of the very short time of 20-30 minutes.

In the case of implants and stunts CDC, consultant technologists are available to guide you for the procedures. As for as the MRI machine has a huge magnet, so don’t enter any metallic, electronic or software-based items in the MRI room.

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